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Advanced Vaccination Technologies for Infectious and Chronic Diseases - A guide to Vaccinology

di Apostolopoulos - Vora - Chavda  • 2024  • dettagli prodotto

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Advanced Vaccination Technologies for Infectious and Chronic Diseases is a comprehensive guide that delves into the intricate details of vaccine design, development across various platforms, and the path to commercialization.
This book provides an introductory overview of vaccines, covering various types, developmental methodologies, delivery systems, adjuvants, immunization, and measurement of vaccine efficacy. It also showcases examples of vaccine research efforts targeting infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, and cancer. The book concludes by exploring cutting-edge advances in proteogenomics, immunopeptidomics, and future vaccine technologies.
The primary objective of this book is to inform a broad scientific audience about the fundamental concepts underlying vaccine and immunology. Further, it serves as an invaluable reference for understanding the critical steps in the journey from discovery to regulatory processes for human clinical trials, addressing common misconceptions and presenting factual information about vaccinations.
Advanced Vaccination Technologies for Infectious and Chronic Diseases is a requisite reference for occupational health professionals whose roles involve supervision of immunization programs such as those working within the National Health Service, some sectors of higher education, or the pharmaceutical industry.
It also caters to those researchers engaged in vaccine development and all who want to learn the processes involved from laboratory research to final product.


ISBN: 9780443185649

Titolo: Advanced Vaccination Technologies for Infectious and Chronic Diseases - A guide to Vaccinology


Editore: Elsevier - Academic Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2024

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 19x23,5 cm

Pagine: 350

Peso: 0.5 kg