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Atlas of Anatomy and Physiology of the Internal Fasciae

di Stecco  • 2024  • dettagli prodotto

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After 20 years of clinical practice experience, I got acquainted with the method “Fascial Manipulation” by Luigi Stecco and was amazed by the possibilities that the method opens up for the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of injuries of the musculoskeletal system and dysfunctions of internal organs. 
The method “Fascial Manipulation” is based on fundamental knowledge in the field of human anatomy and physiology and it is very encouraging that scientific research continues today, enriching clinical experience. The presented knowledge and results force us to completely rethink the anatomy and functions of the autonomic nervous system.
The role of internal fasciae in the correction of functional disorders of internal organs prove that the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are not antagonists. 
During the rehabilitation period after musculoskeletal surgery, as a rule, the emphasis is made on physiotherapy and kinesiotherapy. However, this does not always allow to achieve a long-lasting result – patients often start to complain of various internal organs dysfunctions. 
This problem can be solved by understanding and consequent clinical application of the internal biomechanical model presented by Luigi Stecco, which is based on the motility and mobility of internal organs directly related to the autonomic nervous system and, of course, to the state of the fascial tissue of internal organs and muscles. This understanding makes the use of peristaltic therapy very effective.
Proper coordination of the autonomic nervous system, three types of nerves – splanchnic nerve, vagus nerve, phrenic nerve – and fascial tissues improves peristalsis of internal organs by increasing their living space. 
The brain must have an accurate and effective perception of the body which is very important for its survival, therefore, thanks to reflexology, manual therapy of the superficial fascia improves the vascularization of the dermatomere, adipotomere and lymphatomere and, as a result, there is an improvement of afferent and efferent interactions of surface structures with the central nervous system. 
Despite the scientific depth, Luigi Stecco’s proposed concept is characterized by simplicity and logic. This knowledge will be useful for specialists from different medical fields and will allow achieving long-lasting results in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients. 
I am sincerely grateful to Luigi Stecco, Antonio Stecco, Carla Stecco and other scientists in this field for their advanced knowledge, valuable practical experience and dedication to their mission - the preservation and restoration of human health.


ISBN: 9788829935086

Titolo: Atlas of Anatomy and Physiology of the Internal Fasciae


Editore: Piccin

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2024

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 21,5x29 cm

Pagine: 464

Peso: 1.4 kg